Non-lambertian surfaces causes difficulties for many stereo systems. We describe methods to recover both 3D surface shape and reflectance models of an object from multiple views. We use an iterative method, based on multi-view shape from shading, to estimate shape and reflectance models. The estimated models can be used to generate objects in new views and under new lighting conditions using computer graphics techniques.
- T. Yu, N. Xu and N. Ahuja, Recovering Shape and Reflectance Model of Non-Lambertian Objects from Multiple Views, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Washington, DC, June 2004, 226-233.
- T. Yu, N. Xu and N. Ahuja, Shape and View Independent Reflectance Map from Multiple Views, International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 73, No. 2, June 2007, 123-138.